Education in Ukraine
Faculty of physical engineering NTU 'KhPI'
The department trains bachelors, specialists (engineers) and masters in basic specialty. The graduates are given qualification of a mechanical engineer. The graduates work for the scientific, research, analytic, design, engineering and technological bureaus, laboratories, computer centers of the scientific research organizations, firms, institutes and enterprises, higher educational institutions, technical secondary schools and colleges.
The educationally-qualifying levels of graduating students are a bachelor, specialist, master degree.
Education degrees are appropriated to the graduating students:
At the level of bachelor: Bachelor of Mechanics;
At the level of specialist: Mechanical Engineer
At the level of master's degree: Master of Sciences in Dynamics and Strength
Basic special educational disciplines: Equations of Mathematical Physics; Integral Equations and Elements of Functional Analysis; Statistical Mechanics and Theory of Reliability; Theory of Elasticity; Theory of Vibrations; Theory of Plasticity and Creep; Aero-Hydromechanics; Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structure; Failure Mechanics and Durability of Materials; Application Program Complexes of Dynamics and Strength of Machines.
The training is given by the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines.
The head of the department is doctor of technical sciences, professor Gennady LVOV.